Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The potential benefits of harvesting wind power

The Herkimer County Finance Committee on Monday heard a presentation on the financial impact of constructing wind turbines in local municipalities.
Keith Pitman, president and chief executive officer of Empire State Wind Energy (ESWE) based in Oneida County, provided an estimate of the potential benefits of harvesting wind power.
As opposed to other wind power payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) programs, Pitman explained that his company, which he founded in partnership with New York entrepreneur Tom Golisano, offers net revenue sharing as part of its program.
The breakdown of this energy-sale profit sharing, thus far, involves anywhere from a 50 percent divide between developer and municipality; to 75 percent for the municipality and 25 percent for the developer, according to Pitman.
ESWE currently has eight formal agreements in place with townships in Wayne, Yates and Ontario counties, with none having completed projects, he said. read more

source : http://www.herkimertelegram.com/