Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A new finance director for the Blair County's Finance was officially hired on this Tuesday

Blair County Leaders are changing the way the County handles its money. A new finance director for the county was officially hired on this Tuesday.

Since the current Board of Blair County Commissioners took office back in January, they've been working to restructure the way the county handles its financial affairs. Another big step in that direction has been was taken. The Blair Commissioners say they are still a few weeks away from really getting to work on their spending plan for the coming year. But the ground work is being laid to keep tight controls over all county spending.

A draft report from the County's \Consultant is expected this week. That will be an over view of where the county stands and some recommendations as to how we can get to the end of the year incurring the least expenses according to Blair County Commissioner Diane Meling. read more

source : http://wearecentralpa.com/