Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lake Victoria Mining Company, Inc.: Kalamela Project Identifies Gold Target & Plans Exploration Follow-Up, Tanzania

Lake Victoria is pleased to announce that initial prospecting results from the Kalamela project in northern Tanzania have identified a large gold anomaly in soil samples that covers an area of about 2 km X 6 km. More than a thousand soil samples have been collected in a total area exceeding 20 square kilometers. Assay results from the soil samples have ranged from 20 ppb to 144 ppb and have indicated two significant geochemical anomaly trends, northeast and north-south, similar to directions at the Kiabakari and Buhemba gold mines. These initial prospecting results will be followed up with a detailed ground magnetic survey and trenching and pitting programs to further define this large gold anomaly and to identify drill targets. Additional results will be provided as they become available. read more

Source: Lake Victoria Mining Company, Inc.