Friday, August 8, 2008

The New Coal Mining Center

Coal-mining is making a comeback in Southern Illinois. Rend Lake College is investing in that idea with a new facility to educate future miners.

With a line of shovels, more than a dozen people helped break ground on the new facility. The new coal mining center should be ready to start the hands-on training of students in the fall of 2009. Representative Kurt Granberg says with the increased cost of energy will come a greater need for Illinois Coal.

"We are on the verge of a great renaissance, a renaissance of coal for decades I've not been optimistic, now I am, I think the future is gonna happen and happen now," says Grandberg.

Interim president Charley Holstein says Rend Lake College has a great history of educating coal miners.

"In the late 1970's RLC had the distinction of offering one of the largest coal training centers in the US. With the new center, future miners may once again turn to Rend Lake College for a new career in mining," says Holstein.

The building will hold classrooms as well as a mock coal mine area for hands-on training.

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