Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baja Mining to Take First Delivery of Mining Equipment

Baja Mining Corp., is pleased to announce that the first shipment of major mining equipment for use at its Boleo project is expected to arrive at site in Baja California Sur in August or early September 2008. The equipment will immediately be put into service in development of stockpile benches, access roads to the planned underground portals, and stripping of the open-cut mines and within the tailings impoundment facility. It will also be available for preparation of the process plant site and tailings facility. Subsequent deliveries of the remaining surface mining equipment will be occurring over the balance of 2008; and the first arrival of underground production mining equipment is expected in late December 2008 for startup in first quarter 2009. These initial deliveries are focused on primary mining equipment and include the continuous mining machines, roof bolters and other production machines. read more

Source: Baja Mining Corp.