The trenching program has been very successful in identifying zones of alteration and quartz-sulfide veining in bedrock, underlying gold-in-soil anomalies and near to gold-bearing boulders previously found at surface. To date six new zones have been identified, within an area exceeding 2500 meters by 900 meters. Individual alteration zones occur over strike lengths ranging from 100 to 1000 meters, and all of the new zones remain open for expansion along strike.
The company is extremely pleased with the results of the trenching program which are demonstrating the potential of the property to host numerous large zones of gold mineralization. The different zones discovered to date display a variety of orientations and structural controls, but contain similar mineralization and alteration styles, suggesting they are all related to a single large mineralized system. Only a small portion of the four kilometer long gold-in-soil anomaly at Viking has been tested by trenching, and based on trenching results to date the company anticipates numerous additional zones of mineralization could be discovered as exploration continues. more
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